Welcome to Plymouth N Beyond.com, "a new place to community", where we can come together to find the information useful to residents of the greater Plymouth Meeting area. I would like to tell you more about "us" but this is a one-man show. I do this as a service to my community and to provide you with useful information.
About Me:
Born and raised in Philadelphia, my wife and I moved to Norristown for 7years after purchasing our first home. In 2012, we moved to Plymouth Meeting. A father of three, I see myself as lucky to live in such a great area and enjoy learning about our history and helping to create our future. I first started the Facebook group TalkinPlymouth in 2012 which quickly grew into one of the most popular Facebook groups in the area. I noticed the page was growing beyond Plymouth's borders to include the surrounding towns.
I found myself sharing breaking news and information over the years directly in the group, when people started to refer to me as the town Cryer I knew it was growing into something bigger than just another Facebook group. With no way to archive my "news bits" for resharing or future reference, I wanted to find a better system. I started Plymouthnbeyond.com in 2018 as a way to grow into a Plymouth-centered website that was able to provide an even better service to the community. Of course, along with the new mission comes expenses and the need to raise revenue to cover them.
About this page:
What is our Mission:
I see the mission of PlymouthNbeyond.com as 3-fold.
1. Connect residents to each other, in our busy lives we sometimes don't have the time to get to know our neighbors like we did in generations past. These relationships are the fabric of our community and anything we can do to strengthen these ties we look forward to doing.
2. Connect local businesses with our community. With a focus on the local business, we aim to connect and raise awareness of our businesses to our community members. We do this th
Plymouth as the center