Starting Monday, October 14 through Monday November 18 residents of Plymouth Meeting and the surrounding areas can once again support the 16th annual Stocking for Soldiers drive. This is the 4th year Plymouth Councilman Chris Manero has organized the local collection. This year, Councilman Manero would like to focus on donations for our female service members, often most items donated are geared towards male service members.
Residents are encouraged to donate supplies to our soldiers who are deployed overseas. These donations give our soldiers and their K-9 partners home comforts they do not always easily enjoy while deployed.

Stocking for Soldiers in on its 16th year. The Delaware based 501 (c) 3 organization founded by Judy Travis collected over 45,500 pounds of items to be donated last year which produced 14,000 personalized stockings all sorted and packed by over 1000 volunteers. Stocking for Soldiers states the best way to help is to collect items on their wish list, they only need 10,000 of each item to achieve their mission. Oddly enough, stockings are not on the wish list, they have an army of volunteers knitters who take care of that aspect. Each stocking shipped out is personalized for a specific member of the Service.

Collection Points:
Tony's Pizza and Pasta 1009 Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting
Conshohocken VFW Post 1074 300 E. 5th Ave Conshohocken
Tony Roni's Pizza 200 West Ridge Pike Conshohocken
Wish List:
Small Individually Packages Meals
Tuna/Lasagna/Beefaroni (Smaller package (8 oz or less) preferred)
Crew Socks, Mole Skin
Slim Jims/Beef Jerky
Toothbrushes & Small Toothpaste
Small Candy (Mini-candy bars (send your favorite) Christmas/Halloween candy
Granola/Fruit/Breakfast Bars
Cookies/Nuts/Pretzels/Trail Mix (Less than 12 oz. size)
Flavored drink mixes (Single Packets) - Lemonade, teas, hot cocoa, coffee
Paperback Books (no romance novels)
Ramen Noodle Soup (Single packs preferred)
Fruit roll-ups/gushers/Cracker Jacks
Chewing gum
ChapStick & Lip balms
Razors (individual or packs) Men and Women
Toiletries & lotions (small package)
Baby Wipes, Foot powder, sunblock
DVD Movies & Music CDs
Pocket games & puzzles
Hand/Foot Warmers/Fly Swatters
Crossword, Sudoku
Beanie Babies
Some Dog/Canine Items for our K9 Heroes
Please Note: Smaller, individual-sized packaging is preferred to fit into individually packed stockings.
All sized packages/containers as donations, larger items are sent to units for snacking.
K-9 Wish List
Kong 3” Rubber Balls K9 Grooming Tools – Combs, Brushes, etc.
Large Rope Chews K9 Toothpaste & Toothbrush
Collapsible Nylon Dog Bowls K9 Ear Wash
True Chews Beef Bully Sticks K9 Advantix, Flea & Tick Treatment
True Chews Chicken Jerky K9 Salves for Paws/Noses
K9 Beds or Sleeping Mats K9 Eye Drops
K9 Blankets (Winter Months) K9 Shampoo & Conditioner
K9 Cooling Mats (Summer Month) K9 Nail Clippers
K9 Warming Mats (Winter Months) K9 Treats, Made in the USA only
K9 Cooling Collars (Summer Months)
K9 Boots, Medium & Large (All Year) K9 Doggles (Needed All Year)
You can visit Stocking for Soldier's Website here.
For questions concerning our local drive, please contact Councilman Chris Manero