Andy's Diner on Ridge Pike has had a rough go at food inspections recently with violations now noted on 13 consecutive public inspections. The last inspection was conducted on 2/24/2020 by the Mongomery County Department of Public Health, you can view the entire report here, lists 27 violations ranging from minor to major (correct within 24 hours). Andy's Diner is the only location left of what was once a three location mini food chain. The other now-closed locations were in Spring House and Bensalem.
Here is a list of the violations directly from the 2/24/2020 inspection report.
2 - certified food protection manager
Comments: Facility lacking a current MCOPH CFSM. Facility has 30 days to submit reciprocity application or submit proof of registration in an approved food safety course.
6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
Comments: Employee drinks and employee meal stored on prep tables in back prep area.
9 - no bare hand contact with rte food or a pre-approved alternative procedure properly allowed
Comments: Bare hand contact with RTE food items at toaster area and cook line.
10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Comments: Lacking single use paper towels at omelet action station at buffet.
20 - proper cooling time & temperature
Comments: Potatoes cooked on 2/23/20 stored in large container in walk in refrigerator observed with internal temperature greater than 41 degrees F. Facility voluntarily discarded.
22 - proper cold holding temperatures
Comments: Food items held in top section of last prep unit and raw shelled eggs outside of refrigeration at cook line observed with internal temperature greater than 41 degrees F. Facility voluntarily discarded TCS foods.
23 - proper date marking & disposition
Comments: 2xR- Lacking date marking on prepared food items.
25 - consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked foods
Comments: 4xR- Asterisk lacking next to consumer advisory and corresponding food items on menus.
29 - compliance with variance/specialized process/haccp
Comments: TCS food items stored in ROP in drawer unit and walk in refrigerator lacking date/time. Facility voluntarily discarded products.
36 - thermometers provided & accurate
Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.
38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
Comments: Door open to outside in back storage area.
39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
Comments: Dented cans stored on dry storage shelves in back storage area.
39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
Comments: Food prepping tray and food tong stored directly on trash can.
40 - personal cleanliness
Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint
43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
Comments: Ice scoop stored on top of ice machine.
43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
Comments: Knives stored between prep unit/tables and walls through out.
47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
Comments: Interior of juice dispenser unclean.
47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
Comments: Damaged door handles on drawer units at cook line.
48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
Comments: Lacking proper sink stoppers at 3 compartment ware wash sink.
51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
Comments: Hot water unable to turn off at hand wash sink at end of cook line. Facility has
24 hours to repair. Contact MCOPH when repair is completed. If there is an additional follow up or more needed Facility will have to pay $330.00 each follow up before scheduled follow up appointment.
51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
Comments: Pipe at hand wash sink at bar area lacking drainage pipe. Facility has 24 hours to repair. Contact MCOPH when repair is completed. If there is an additional follow up or more needed Facility will have to pay $330.00 each follow up before scheduled follow up appointment.
54 - garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
Comments: Trash and debris on ground around trash dumpster.
55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
Comments: Food spillage on the floor in outside dry storage area.
55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
Comments: 2xR- Damaged/missing floor tiles at cook line, dish machine, bakery area, walk-in freezer and outside dry storage room.
55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
Comments: Lacking adequate floor grout allowing water to pool.
55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
Comments: Unapproved ceiling tiles at ware wash area.
56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
Comments: 2xR- Lacking light shield or shatter proof bulb