This month the Colonial School Board proposed their $139M "preliminary" budget with a 4.5% increase proposed in the millage rate and spending. Due to the election year and how early the primary is being held, the deadline to submit their plan under Act 1 was moved up to comply with State law. Dave Szablowski, District Business Administrator, gave a detailed explanation of the numbers. Mr. Szablowski cited increased enrollment, special needs (1:5 students), debt servicing (new middle school) and transportation as the top reason driving increases (16:30 mark)
Board Finance Committee Chair Adam Schupack noted the very preliminary stage of the budget and added the numbers will look different when a final budget is approved in June.
The Board also tackled the long-standing issue of tax relief for Seniors (24:07 mark). There is a major concern on the yearly increases and how this impacts the aging population who is looking to stay in their homes. The Board approved a program that will piggy-back on the already established state rebate system. If you qualify for the State program, you will get the Colonial match. Eligible residents will have to submit their PA-1000 Tax forms and all corresponding documentation to receive the 30% match. To learn more about the State program click here. The program is expected to cost the district $100,000 in its first year.
Finally, the Board approved the signing of documents to make the purchase of the Romano Bus property final. (33:10 mark)
If you would like to watch the meeting for yourself, please use the time marks in the article.