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From The Boot Receives Several Violations on Latest Inspection; Some Repeat Offenses

📸 12/04/2021

LAFAYETTE HILL, PA - From The Boot - Lafayette Hill received a food inspection on 12/02/2021 which noted several violations. The Violations are:

  • 2 - certified food protection manager Comments: facility lacking MCOPH CFSM certificate. facility stated they are signed up for approved exam but company has cancelled twice. facility has 10 business days to submit proof of enrollment in approved exam

  • 16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized Comments: cutting boards with deep grooves/discoloration

  • 23 - proper date marking & disposition Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date.

  • 35 - approved thawing methods used Comments: Facility thawing frozen fish in reduced oxygen packaging environment.

  • 38 - insect, rodents & animals not present Comments: Rodent like droppings observed basement area under dry storage racks. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Fax or email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.

  • 43 - in-use utensils; properly stored Comments: -Tong stored on oven door handle along cooks line. -knife stored between equipment

  • 47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used Comments: Absorbent cloth lining surface underneath cutting board.

  • 55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean Comments: floors under cooksline equipment unclean

  • 55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean Comments: fan guard missing in Zoey's refrig

Unfortunately, this is not the first list of violations received for this location. An inspection on April 22, 2021, proved to be just as note-worthy with the following violations noted:

  • 2 - certified food protection manager Comments: facility is signup for exam. send inspector proof of enrollment

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use Comments: Employee beverage stored on food prep surface.

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible Comments: one hand wash sink in back room broken (facility has work order to repair) send all repair reports to inspector

  • 35 - approved thawing methods used Comments: Facility thawing frozen fish in reduced oxygen packaging environment.

  • 38 - insect, rodents & animals not present Comments: Rodent like droppings observed basement dry storage area Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Fax or email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.

  • 39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display Comments: facility using orange home depot buckets to store food item(must use food grade containers)

  • 39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display Comments: using 3 bay ware wash sink to rinse pasta. facility must use food prep sink for this purpose

  • 40 - personal cleanliness Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint

  • 43 - in-use utensils; properly stored Comments: Knife stored in space between equipment

  • 43 - in-use utensils; properly stored Comments: tong stored on hook on bain marie

  • 47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used Comments: fan guard lacking in reach in refrig(on order to replace)

The violations have been happening since last December, an inspection from 12-02-2020 reveals more of the same.

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties Comments: Facility operating without a MCOPH license. Facility has 5 business days to submit license application and appropriate fee.

  • 2 - certified food protection manager Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS emailed reciprocity application and fee schedule.

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible Comments: Soiled wares observed in hand sink in basement and hand sink in rear food prep area. Hand sinks may only be used for hand washing.

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible Comments: Lacking single service towels for hand sink in rear food prep area.

  • 16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized Comments: 2xR: Cutting boards across from cooks line observed with deep grooves and heavy discoloration.

  • 43 - in-use utensils; properly stored Comments: Knife stored in space between prep unit and counter.

  • 43 - in-use utensils; properly stored Comments: Ice scoop stored on cardboard box.

  • 45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used Comments: Single service containers stored with food contact surface exposed.

  • 47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used Comments: Cardboard liner observed on shelf below hand sink in kitchen.

  • 48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of quaternary ammonium solution.

  • 49 - non-food contact surfaces clean Comments: Fan guards in walk-in cooler are unclean.

  • 49 - non-food contact surfaces clean Comments: Heavy dust build-up observed on rack above ware washing sink.

  • 53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned Comments: Covered waste receptacle lacking in unisex restroom.

  • 55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.

  • 55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean Comments: Vinyl coating of ceiling tile peeling next to ice machine in the basement.

You can read the following inspection reports which are publicly available:

12/02/2021 l 04/22/2021 l 12/02/2020

We reached out for comment but have not heard back from Management.

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1 comentario

08 dic 2021

Can u remove your post? The family who owns this business are hard working decent people with four kids. No need to share this with the community. Give them a chance to correct the issues and continue to run their business. The food is always delicious!

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