Whitpain Township Police will be just one of many local departments participating in Operation Safe Driver Week which takes place July 12-18, 2020. This targeted program is founded by the Commercial Safe Driver Association (CVSA) and according to their website,
"the program aimed at reducing deaths and injuries involving large trucks, buses and cars due to unsafe driver behaviors. The Alliance intends to accomplish this goal by educating all drivers about ways to share the roads safely.
The Operation Safe Driver program has two main campaigns to educate drivers.
Teens and Trucks – Our Teens and Trucks program aims to educate youth drivers about how to drive safely around a large truck or bus.
Defeat Distracted Driving – Defeat Distracted Driving is our campaign aimed at educating commercial vehicle drivers about the dangers of distracted driving and ways to avoid becoming distracted while on our roadways.
In addition, there is an annual one-week enforcement and educational blitz, Operation Safe Driver Week, that spotlights unsafe driving behaviors by both commercial motor vehicle drivers and car drivers in an effort to combat the number of deaths and injuries from crashes.
Operation Safe Driver holds activities across the United States, Canada and Mexico to increase commercial vehicle and non-commercial vehicle traffic enforcement, safety belt enforcement, and driver roadside inspections; improve driver regulatory compliance; implement commercial driver educational and awareness programs to the motor carrier population; educate youth about safely sharing the roads with large trucks and buses; and increase awareness to the general motoring public about safe operations around commercial motor vehicles.
CVSA – in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), state, provincial and local law enforcement, and industry – launched the Operation Safe Driver campaign in 2007 to reduce the number of deaths and injuries resulting from crashes involving large trucks, buses and cars."
Learn more about CVSA on their website here.
Whitpain will be focusing on speeding during the week.
