We asked a few of the local candidates if they could send us their most recent campaign finance report. Some sent the reports of their competition, another said they did not have it and one told us we needed to get it from the county. Of the ones we reached out to only one local candidate, Eli Glick (I) Whitemarsh Supervisor, offered their report without hesitation. We set out to get these reports and the county does not make it an easy process. These reports will eventually get uploaded to the website but this seems to only happen well after the election is over. The only way to get these reports is to show up in person at the office of Voter Services, so we did.
First, we looked at the Colonial School Board race. In this race, we reviewed reports for Protecting Colonial's Future and Colonial Democrats for School Board. Below is a quick summary of what we noted. We encourage you to download and read the full report. You can download the entire report below.
Colonial Democrats for School Board (a.k.a. McCauley, Finegold, and Clay-Dingle for School Board; a.k.a. Leading Colonial Forward - The Democrats for School Board): Raised a total of $6,125 and of that $3,100 came from political PACS. $675 came from individual contributions under $50 (not required to be listed individually) $450 came from contributions of $50.01 - $250; $1,500 came from individuals over $250 including a law firm in Philadelphia ($1K). Other individual donors were located in King of Prussia ($500), Glenside ($100), Sherman Oaks, CA ($200) and Conshohocken ($150). You can view their entire report here.
Protecting Colonial's Future, who pledged not to accept any money from local political parties or outside PACS has held true to their promise. The total raised was $9,460 of which $0 dollars came from political PACS; $7,135 came from individual contributions under $50 (not required to be listed individually); $2,025 came from individuals who donated between $50.01 and $250. There were no individual contributions over $250. Of the listed individual contributions all of the donations came from within the school board's geographical boundaries with the exception of 1 donation from Paoli, PA ($100), You can view their entire report here.
You can visit our local election site to learn more about each slate of candidates by clicking here. We have also prepared a site for you to review all of the sample ballots before heading to the polls on Tuesday, November 5 here.
More to come on other races.