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Mysterious Signs Appear in Whitemarsh, Community Questions Next Steps

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Friday evening there was chatter on a local Facebook group about some mysterious signs which appeared in Whitemarsh. We set out to examine these signs closer and were able to locate several, most seem to be placed around high traffic areas within the township. We photographed the above sign on Flourtown Road. The signs, printed in Red and White, state "IF YOU LIKE TRAFFIC CLOSED ROADS & BRIDGES VOTE DEMOCRATIC." The group "Montgomery County Citizens For The Truth" is listed on the signs.

We completed a search of Google, Facebook and also the Pennsylvania State campaign finance website in an attempt to locate reports associated with the above-mentioned group. We were unsuccessful in our search efforts and could not find any trace of such a group even existing.

It is also unknown how many signs in total have been posted and if the responsible party plans to spread this message beyond the immediate Whitemarsh area. Upon inspection, these signs appear to be of high quality and professionally produced.

Further, these signs may or may not be legal. According to the PA Election Code, a political sign must clearly indicate who is responsible for the posting, with some exceptions for bumper stickers and other smaller items when placing the wording to identify the responsible party would not be possible.

Regardless of their legality, we see the signs as unethical. In the current local election, ethics has been such a focal point, these signs do nothing but further emphasize the point taken by many that attention needs to be paid to the individual, not just a party affiliation. We as a greater community can do better, and the citizens of Whitemarsh and the surrounding areas deserve the most ethical candidates, regardless of party.

Many questions remain. Who paid for the signs? Who put them up? Should the signs come down or are they an example of free speech? If the signs need to come down, who is responsible for taking them down? Does one have to get the property owner's permission before removing a sign on private property?

What impact, if any, will these signs even have on voters will be seen on November 5.

We have reached out for comments to all candidates currently running in Whitemarsh and will update this story as we get their feedback.

Terence Martin, Chair of the Whitemarsh GOP, stated via a Facebook post, the signs were not produced or authorized by the Whitemarsh GOP.

If you are a member of "Montgomery Country Citizens For The Truth" we want to hear from you. Please email us at

You can comment and join the discussion on our Facebook page.

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