On Monday October 21 we were contacted by the chairperson of the republican committee in Whitemarsh asking if we would be interested in live streaming a public forum for the candidates running for Whitemarsh Supervisor. The invite was to the Democratic ticket asking them, along with Independent candidate Eli Glick if they would have interest in attending and participating in such an event. Here are the responses received so far.
Invited to Speak: Response To Date:
Laura Boyle Nester (D) Has not acknowledged invitation
Jacy Toll (D) Has not acknowledged invitation
Vince Manuele (D) Has not acknowledged invitation
Eli Glick (I) Willing to participate
Linda Doll (R) Requested event, willing to participate
Perry Swartz (R) Requested event, willing to participate
Frank Scarpello (R) Requested event, willing to participate
Invited to Attend/ Broadcast: Response To Date:
Benjamin Gibbons Willing to attend/ broadcast/ cover event/ moderate
Kevin Tierney Willing to attend/ broadcast/ cover event/ moderate
Once we get a yes or no from the democratic candidates we will provide more information on time, venue and formatting for the questions. A tentative date of Sunday November 3 has been proposed. Below is the original email request.
Ms. Boyle, Ms. Toll, Mr. Manuele & Mr. Glick, Allow me to introduce myself virtually. I am the chairperson of the Whitemarsh Republican Committee and the campaign manager for the group of candidates running as republicans for Whitemarsh Supervisor. I am writing you to inquire if you would be willing to have a public discussion in advance of the upcoming election. I envision a live streamed event moderated by a mutually agreed upon person. During this event, each candidates would field questions submitted by residents of Whitemarsh Township. Additionally, candidates would have the opportunity to present an opening and closing statement, 2 minutes in length. I know we are quite close to the election date, so if you could please get back to me a) with your interest in participating in such an event and b) times and dates that might suit your schedule, it would be greatly appreciated. I do find it appropriate that the event be live streamed on the local digital news outlets that exist in our community. I have copied both Mr. Gibbons from PlymouthNBeyond and Mr. Tierney from morethanthecurve to this email to see if they would accommodate. Finally, I thank each of you personally for having the courage to run for elected office. Holding the office of township supervisor is somewhat of a thankless job; however, it is immensely important the preservation of the way of life that makes Whitemarsh such a special place. Feel free to contact me on my mobile phone, provided below, should you wish to discuss live. Best, Terence Martin
While we await a response and finalization on this event, we invite you to view our local election page where you will find more information on each and every candidate including a link to their official social media and web pages.