At tonight's Plymouth Council meeting (October 14) approval was granted in a 5-0 vote for 2 new free-standing restaurants at the Plymouth Meeting Mall. Representatives from PREIT were in attendance but did not speak. Approval was granted with a host of conditions, most seemed standard. Most notably were the waivers approved as part of this approval. There were several waivers granted but the one that stood out was the waiver for no rain garden as required by code.
The two structures will be built in the parking lot across from the newly opened Dick's Sporting Goods. The buildings will be closer to the main access road on the mall property. According to sources Shake Shack has signed on as one tenant and the other site is still under negotiations. After the motion was approved Councilman Chris Manero complimented the PREIT representatives in attendance noting, during a recent trip to Miller's Ale House, it was nice to see the old Macy's parking lot full again. Councilman Marty Higgins added he has been around a long time and was not sure he ever saw the parking lot of Macy's full.
The picture below was made by the Author and is not official in regards to sizing or exact location.

There was no word on when construction will begin.
Click here to go to the meeting Agenda. This item was listed as " f. L.D. 19-1 PR Plymouth Meeting Limited Partnership/500 W. Gtn. Pike "