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Updated: Two Local Companies Retool, Make Much Needed Product

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Photo Credit: Google Maps - Five Saints

NORRISTOWN - What do you get when you combine the powers of a local distiller and a putty making powerhouse? Hand Sanitizer, at least that is what you get in this crazy time. Crazy Aaron's Puttyworld has paired up with Five Saints Distilling and International Spirits to produce much-needed hand sanitizer. On Monday, they were producing products for local first responders according to Five Saints.

Photo Credit - Google Maps - Crazy Aaron's

Aaron's has retooled their production line and registered with the FDA to produce an approved hand sanitizer. They will be able to produce 150 gallons per day. John George who owns Five Saints has confirmed they will also be able to produce an additional 1000 gallons in the next week. Currently, all production is taking place in 1-gallon bottles as sourcing different sized plastic bottles have proven difficult at this time.

Derrick Perry, Norristown Council President added, "We love when our community comes together for the people of Norristown and others. We appreciate some of our business owners like Crazy Aaron's and 5 Saints and any other business or resident that steps up in a crisis like this. Please stay safe"

[0325/2020] press release update “Chemistry and formulas are what we do at Crazy Aaron’s. We have the ability to hop on science projects quickly here at Crazy Aaron’s, and we’re looking at this effort to create an FDA-approved hand sanitizer formula as the ultimate science project,” said Founder and Executive Chairman, Aaron Muderick. “It’s an honor to help in any way we can during this uncertain time.”

If you are a government, medical, institutional, or commercial organization looking to purchase quantities of hand sanitizer, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Learn more about these local companies and follow them on Facebook.

Five Saints Distilling and International Spirits

Crazy Aaron's Puttyworld

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