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What Type of Road Do You Live On? A First Look at Plymouth 2040

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

The Plymouth 2040 Comprehensive plan is in the draft stage but looking at all of the information contained within the report road types stood out. The report offers detailed information on each street and color codes the entire township by type of street.

The types of streets include Expressway, Expressway Ramp, Principle Artery, Minor Artery, Collector, Local Road or Driveway/Parking Lot. Each road is defined in the report as follows:

Expressway: Limited access routes for longer-distance travel and not owned by the Township.

Principal Arterial: Serve major activity centers and provide longer distance

inter-area travel; Carry a high proportion of area travel. Principle arterial roads in Plymouth include Germantown, Ridge, and Butler.

Minor Arterial: Interconnect with principal arterials and accommodate trips of moderate length. Minor Arterial roads in Plymouth include Sandy Hill Road, parts of Plymouth Road, Conshohocken Road, Lafayette Street, Chemical Road, North Lane, Walton Road and part of Township Line Road.

Collector: Distribute trips from arterials through residential areas, collect traffic from local roads, and connect to arterial roads. Collector streets in Plymouth Township include New Hope/Old Arch Road, Parts of Plymouth Road, Belvoir Road, Gallagher Road, Alan Wood Road, Hickory Road, Narcissa Road and parts of Township Line Road.

Local Road: Provide direct access to individual homes and businesses, not meant to accommodate thru-traffic or long-distance traffic. Local roads include any road not listed above.


There is much more to come as this report gets digested. According to a non-dated page on Plymouth Township's website, residents are encouraged to review the entire report and send comments on the plan to Marley Bice, AICP, Principal Planner, Montgomery County Planning Commission, at by November 22, 2019. Thanks to Plymouth Resident Diane Boyle for alerting us to the link. Plymouth Township has made no official notice to the public other than putting this link on a non-dated web page not easily accessible on their website.

You can view the entire document here. Pictures and quotes contained in this article were taken directly from the draft 2040 report.

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